Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I should be working on a 25 page paper that is due next Monday, but while doing research for it I found a blog that had a trivia question that I thought I knew the answer to, so I had to give a try right? And so somehow that led to me starting this blog. I don't know why I think this one will work when I have had a livejournal for years and never use it. But hey, maybe. I'll try and talk at least a couple of times a week, but be warned, it might not always be interesting if your not me.

Which your not, are you?


1 comment:

Jim said...

Hey, congratulations on starting your blog!

(Sorry, that sounds stupid.)

But good try on the riddle! I was worried no one would get it was a movie (even though I used the terms remake and prequel).